<![CDATA[Tricuspid Atresia]]> http://alpha.eurekaselect.com RSS Feed for Disease Wise Article | BenthamScience EurekaSelect (+http://eurekaselect.com) Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:32:05 +0000 <![CDATA[Tricuspid Atresia]]> http://alpha.eurekaselect.com http://alpha.eurekaselect.com <![CDATA[Therapeutic Potential of N-Acetylcysteine for Wound Healing, Acute Bronchiolitis, and Congenital Heart Defects]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/72429

Objective: In the present communication, NAC’s therapeutic potential for wound healing, acute bronchiolitis, and congenital heart defects (CHDs) is critically analyzed by reviewing its effect on the various targets of these diseases. The multifunctional nature of NAC is outlined in a review of evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies.

Conclusion: In conclusion, NAC could be used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of wound healing, acute bronchiolitis and congenital heart defects (CHDs). The focus of future research should be the following; (1) to examine NAC clinically to be considered in the treatment of wound healing; (2) to investigate whether NAC could be used alone or with insulin to prevent CHDs in infants with pregestational diabetes; (3) to evaluate the application of NAC as a potential agent for PAH treatment.

<![CDATA[Congenital Heart Disease: The Crossroads of Genetics, Epigenetics and Environment]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/61453 <![CDATA[Advanced Echocardiographic Imaging of the Congenitally Malformed Heart]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/55054

Our aim is to discuss important aspects related to the quality and reproducibility of data, to review the most recent published data regarding advanced echocardiography in the malformed heart and to guide the reader to appropriate text for overcoming the technical challenges of using these methods. Many of the technical aspects of image acquisition and post processing have been discussed in recent reviews by the authors and we would urge readers to study these texts to gain a greater understanding [1]. The quality of the two dimensional image is paramount in both strain analysis and three dimensional echocardiography. An awareness of how to improve image quality is vital to acquiring accurate and usable data.

Three dimensional echocardiography (3DE) is an attempt to visualise the dynamic morphology of the heart. Although published media is the basis for theoretical knowledge of how to practically acquire images, electronic media [eg.www.3dechocardiography.com] is the only way of visualising the advantages of this technology in real time.

It is important to be aware of the limitations of this technology and that much of the data gleaned from using these methods is at a research stage and not yet in regular clinical practice.]]> <![CDATA[Mutation p.S335X in GATA4 Reduces its DNA Binding Affinity and Enhances Cell Apoptosis Associated with Ventricular Septal Defect]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/52942 <![CDATA[Resuscitation of the Patient with the Functionally Univentricular Heart]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/52049 <![CDATA[Clinical and Pharmacological Aspects of Immunoprophylaxis for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in High-Risk Infants]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/48501

In this article, we have reviewed the clinical and pharmacological aspects of immunoprophylaxis with monoclonal antibodies for preventing RSV infection in high-risk infants.]]> <![CDATA[ Mechanical Ventilation Following Cardiac Surgery in Children]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/34296 <![CDATA[ Current Pharmacologic Management of Pediatric Heart Failure in Congenital Heart Disease]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/33574 <![CDATA[ Interaction of the Heart and Lungs During Exercise: Physiology and Pathophysiology in Children with Congenital Heart Disease]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/32592 <![CDATA[ Neurocognitive Monitoring and Care During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Bypass — Current and Future Directions]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/11770 <![CDATA[ Remote Control of Pulmonary Blood Flow]]>http://alpha.eurekaselect.comarticle/3729